Nov. 11, 2021
Topic: How to Limit Your EPLI/Cyber Exposures
Guest: Darren Valencia, vice president of wholesale specialty insurance distributor CRC Group

In this episode we discuss:
What Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) is and who needs it
How the top issues that fall under EPLI today are harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination
How common EPLI claims are and how they've evolved over the years
Darren's coverage recommends for EPL
The difference between a duty to defend policy or reimbursement policy
Why it's important to read the exclusions in an EPL policy
How a cyber claim could affect a small business like pest control company
Cyber extortion threats and how they could affect you
How cyber policies vary widely from carrier to carrier
Examples of cyber attacks and Darren's take on them
Resources mentioned:
John Diesel, marketing vice president for CNI, which offers insurance counsel and risk management to the pest management and lawn care industries. John achieved his Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation in 1998. John developed a loss control program that provides valued insight and advice on controlling and mitigating exposure to claims. This program provides core credit in various states. In addition to this program, John provides his clients with additional support and resources within the industry. Reach John at 800-562-3073, 610-506-6600 or
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