Sept. 9, 2021
Topic: 10 Ways to Take Your Digital to the Next Level in the Off Season
Guests: Coalmarch's Rachel Betterbid and Rachel Kirkpatrick

In this episode we discuss:
The 10 ways to take your digital to the next level in the off season
Reassess customer acquisition costs
Many business owners don't have acquisition cost goals or ROI goals for their marketing campaigns
Donnie has seen digital costs to acquire customers double and triple in some cases
How customer attrition and closing rate play a role
Implement the infrastructure to assess customer acquisition costs on a regular basis
Do you have a way to measure this on a day-to-day basis? In other words, do you know if you are "closing the loop" between marketing/advertising and sales?
Whether Donnie sees a difference between Google analytics and CRM figures
Reassess your company’s true competitive advantages/unique value proposition
How do you really stand out if you are providing the same service as your competitors?
Donnie says it doesn't have to be completely unique, it just has to a position you own in your market
Diversify your digital marketing advertising channels
Invest in branding -- stop putting this off
Donnie was wrong about branding in the past -- it's important!
It's a long-term investment so when customers have a need, they think of your company
Branding methods vary based on your target demographic
Utilize digital efforts to track offline ad campaigns
Focus on improving your sales team performance
Make sure your website is in a great shape
The average lifespan of a website is two to three years; it's important to keep up with customer expectations
Consider adopting a “digital” franchise model even if you aren’t a franchise
Google was built for brick-and-mortar businesses, which puts service businesses at a disadvantage
"Near me" searches have exploded, so it's beneficial to have multiple locations throughout your service area
Test, test, test
Resources mentioned:
PMP Industry Insiders Podcast Episode 26: Digital Marketing Strategies That Get Results with Rachel Betterbid
Donnie's YouTube video: "Grow Your Service Business: How Much Should I Spend on Marketing?"
Michael & Son: Company that was successful entering the Raleigh market with branding
Forbes article: "Your Website's Life Span May Be Shorter Than You Think"
Advice: "Going into the year, you should really think about, 'What am I willing to spend to acquire a customer?'"
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