Aug. 12, 2021
Topic: COVID 2.0: What Employers Should Know
Guests: Jean Seawright

In this episode we discuss:
The reason the COVID-19 Delta variant is concerning employers and creating questions in the workplace
Three changes the CDC announced in late July and how they apply to employers regarding masks, exposure and immunocompromised employees
Do’s and don’ts for employers when it comes to asking about vaccine status
How it’s legal to ask about your team’s vaccination status and why you might want to do so (difference in quarantine status)
The nuances of offering an incentive for employees to get vaccinated
Whether you can require vaccinations
The different types of mandates – job or jab vs. jab or swab
Paid emergency sick leave options
Resources mentioned:
Notable: "I don't know of many small business employers who are mandating (the vaccine) ... We're not seeing many people go with the outright job or jab option. It's the other option (jab or swab) that employers are more considering." —Jean Seawright
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