Topic: Marketing, Sales & More: The Agent AI Playbook for Service Business Owners
Guests: Dan Gordon & Donnie Shelton

In this episode we discuss:
Our sponsors Coalmarch by Workwave, PestSure & Voice for Pest
PMP Industry Insiders Peer Groups
Generative AI vs. Agent AI
Donnie's plans to create his own "personal assistant" with Agent AI
An example Donnie demos and other possibilities
Tasks Donnie would not turn over to Agent AI at this point
How this technology handles passwords and authentications
The importance of setting up integrations and appointing a "tech person" on your staff
Donnie's prediction about companies creating niche agents to tackle specific tasks
Resources mentioned:
YouTube playlist of all PMP Industry Insiders Podcast episodes about AI
YouTube version of this episode, where you can see Donnie's demo
PMP Industry Insiders Episode 166 with Andrew Louder: Q&A with an AI Expert
PMP Industry Insiders Episode 206 with Thomas Lundberg: How to Make Money with AI in Pest Control
Notable: "Just imagine for a moment (having) someone in your call center with almost unlimited intelligence who works 24 hours." —Donnie Shelton
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