Topic: Passing the Torch: Part 2
Guests: Howard Bright & Connor Bright, Anti-Pesto

In this episode we discuss:
Our sponsors Coalmarch by Workwave, PestSure & Voice for Pest
PMP Industry Insiders Peer Groups
Howard Bright and Connor Bright's backgrounds
Wendy Bright's role in the company
How Connor is transitioning into leadership and eventually ownership
Their vision for a successful transition
Changes Connor has introduced and implemented in the business
The benefits of a young office staff
Howard's approach to preparing the next generation
Connor's approach to getting prepared to run the business
Resources mentioned:
PMP Industry Insiders Episode 209: The Long Game: Mastering Exit Planning for Your Business
PMP Industry Insiders Episode 210: Passing the Torch: Part 1 with Getem Services
Operating system Anti-Pesto uses: EOS aka "Traction"
Peer group Connor belongs to, led by David Billingsly
Notable: "For me, it's not been about books; it's been about relationships." —Howard Bright, Anti-Pesto
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