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Episode 189


Topic: Meta Marketing: What Makes a Great Facebook & Instagram Ad?

Guest: James Szojka, Co-founder, Yard Dawgs, Calgary, Alberta

In this episode we discuss:

  • Our sponsors Coalmarch by Workwave and PestSure

  • PMP Industry Insiders Peer Groups

  • An "everyone wins second place" contest promo Yard Dawgs has found effective

  • Where to start when it comes to running ads on Meta

  • James' background and how Yard Dawgs got started and has grown

  • The importance of tracking where leads are coming from before going down this road

  • How these ads are "disruptive" — and why it works compared with Google ads or search

  • Why "lookalike audiences" are importance and how to narrow demographics

  • The power of video with the advent of reels

  • The ROI potential and why timing them during the "lawn care tsunami" is important

  • The power of A/B testing

  • 5 things a video Facebook ad must include

    1. Hook

    2. Body

    3. Offer

    4. Call to action

    5. Description in the "see more" section

  • What works on Facebook and Instagram vs. Google

  • What he plans to test for the new season

  • What James would do if he owned a pest control company

  • Yard Dawg's experience in peer gr

Resources mentioned:

Notable: "Once you can figure (Meta ads) out, it is very much a plug-and-play system that does very great things." —James Szojka

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