Topic: Meta Marketing: What Makes a Great Facebook & Instagram Ad?
Guest: James Szojka, Co-founder, Yard Dawgs, Calgary, Alberta

In this episode we discuss:
Our sponsors Coalmarch by Workwave and PestSure
PMP Industry Insiders Peer Groups
An "everyone wins second place" contest promo Yard Dawgs has found effective
Where to start when it comes to running ads on Meta
James' background and how Yard Dawgs got started and has grown
The importance of tracking where leads are coming from before going down this road
How these ads are "disruptive" — and why it works compared with Google ads or search
Why "lookalike audiences" are importance and how to narrow demographics
The power of video with the advent of reels
The ROI potential and why timing them during the "lawn care tsunami" is important
The power of A/B testing
5 things a video Facebook ad must include
Call to action
Description in the "see more" section
What works on Facebook and Instagram vs. Google
What he plans to test for the new season
What James would do if he owned a pest control company
Yard Dawg's experience in peer gr
Resources mentioned:
PMP Industry Insiders Podcast Episode 124: How One LCO Leverages Marketing Automation Tools
Actual ads Yard Dawgs ran in May:
(Best Performer) Bull Ad: https://instagram.com/p/C61fGJgNHF7/
Stretcher ad: https://instagram.com/p/C61fGKaNovG/
Boo ad: https://instagram.com/p/C61fGGstJla/
Ankle trip ad: https://instagram.com/p/C61fGbhg2mX/
James' email: jszojka@yarddawgs.ca
Notable: "Once you can figure (Meta ads) out, it is very much a plug-and-play system that does very great things." —James Szojka
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