Topic: Protecting the Future of Pest Management
Guest: JD Darr, Senior Director of Public Policy, National Pest Management Association
In this episode we discuss:
Our sponsors Coalmarch by Workwave and PestSure
PMP Industry Insiders Peer Groups
Donnie's experience fighting a service tax for the pest industry in North Carolina
The purpose and importance of NPMA Legislative Day
How this year's NPMA Legislative Day saw a 20 percent increase in participation over last year
Why Dan says Legislative Day is also great for networking with other PMPs
How state level pesticide preemption was is the main legislative focus for this year
Why preemption can be confusing and JD's explanation of what PMPs want vs. don't want
The Farm Bill and its role in pesticide preemption
What the opposition says about pesticide preemption
The status of rodenticide restrictions and how NPMA is working with EPA
NPMA and state associations' VoterVoice campaigns
The importance of getting involved with your state association
Resources mentioned:
Notable: "Don't think that because you're not a scientist or you're not an entomologist you can't go (to Legislative Day) and have an impact." —Dan Gordon
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