Topic: What's on Deck for PPMA
Guest: Jim Fredericks, Ph.D., Executive Director, Professional Pest Management Alliance & Senior Vice President, Public Affairs, National Pest Management Association

In this episode we discuss:
Our sponsors Coalmarch by Workwave and PestSure
PMP Industry Insiders Peer Groups
The difference between NPMA (national trade organization) and PPMA (consumer outreach arm) and how many folks are confused about the different
Key results from PPMA's 2023 Annual Report, including netting 1.8 billion consumer impressions
Large-scale projects, like Season 2 of "Will They Eat It?" with Dr. Mike Bentley and "Do Not Disturb"
Benefits of PPMA, including Mainframe, a digital agency for PPMA investors
How Pestworld.org has nearly 150,000 followers on TikTok
Levels of PPMA investors
How April is National Pest Management Month and what PPMA has planned for the month
PPMA awareness weeks, including Termite Awareness Week, Tick Awareness Week, Bed Bug Awareness Week and Rodent Awareness Week
Success with Public Service Announcements
New projects, including a social media campaign called "Mike On the Street" and "What Grows There"
Resources mentioned:
PMP Industry Insiders Episode 111: Looking into the Pest Industry Crystal Ball with Jim Fredericks
Jim's contact information: jfredericks@pestworld.org or ppma@pestworld.org, npmapestworld.org/PPMA or ppmamainframe.org
Notable: "The message is: 'This is not a do-it-yourself project. Don't be a hero. Call a pro.' That's our messaging." —Jim Fredericks, Ph.D., PPMA
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