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Episode 156


Topic: 9 Levers to Control Labor Costs

Guests: Dan Gordon & Donnie Shelton

In this episode we discuss:

  • How this topic is based on a sidebar in Dan's December 2023 cover story in Pest Management Professional

  • How the data in the cover story comes from an exclusive labor inflation study PCO Bookkeepers & M&A Specialists conducted in 2023, revealing that technician and CSR wages have increased about 25 percent over five years

  • Why the issue of labor cost increases isn't going away anytime soon

  • No. 1: Hire the right people

  • No. 2: Review your job descriptions

    • Why it's important to tie job descriptions to position acocuntabilities

  • No. 3: Track labor costs by category and by department

  • No. 4: Use labor benchmarks

  • No. 5: Use technology to improve your routes

  • No. 6: Provide training and development opportunities

  • No. 7: Understand your overtime (OT) and use it sparingly

    • How the younger generations aren't as open to overtime as older generaitons

  • No. 8: Conduct exit interviews

  • No 9: Create a culture of appreciation (and performance)

Resources mentioned:

Notable: "Exit interviews are gold ... We've found issues in our business that we didn't know existed until we had an exit interview." —Donnie Shelton

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