Topic: A Winning AI Strategy for Your Pest & Lawn Company
Guests: Donnie Shelton & Dan Gordon

In this episode we discuss:
How ubiquitous the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) is in the business world
Why Donnie says AI is the defining technology of our time, similar to how the smartphone has been for the last decade and a half
How Donnie is thinking about using AI at Triangle in his pursuit of getting to $50 million in revenue
The opportunity for AI in the service industry — especially in the office
How AI technology already is helping Dan's business be more efficient in the accounting world
Why Dan and Donnie hope pest industry CRMs will begin integrating AI into customer service functions like scheduling and billing
How AI technology that integrates with Google documents and spreadsheets can already tackle tasks like building a budget
Why Donnie empowered his managers to use the paid version of Chat GPT in their roles
What Dan and Donnie like about Google's Bard
Ideas for using AI for recruiting
The role of chat bots in the pest control industry
Resources mentioned:
PMP Industry Insiders Episode 126: A ChatGPT Field Report
AI tool for medical diagnosis: Paige
Article Donnie references about drone "co-pilots:" https://newatlas.com/military/airbus-remote-carrier-drone-launch-loyal-wingman/
PMP Industry Insiders Episode 142: Kolbe Assessment: Get the Right Person in the Right Seat
North Carolina Pest Management Association event where Donnie is presenting: United We Stand 2023
Notable: "I think it's the defining technology of our time." —Donnie Shelton
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