Topic: The Most Profitable Pest Ever
Guest: Dan Gordon & Donnie Shelton

In this episode we discuss:
Our new sponsor: PestSure
Why Donnie says mosquito control is one of the most profitable services a pest control company can offer
How Donnie's company performs mosquito control
Dan's take on the potential gross margin for mosquito control
Mosquito control as a standalone vs. add-on service
Why many companies, especially lawn care operators, are underpricing mosquito services
How many stops per day is realistic
How mosquito control is valued from an M&A standpoint
How Triangle markets mosquito services
Why it's important to learn from your peers
Why you need to check with your state regarding licensing and regulations
Best practices for customer satisfaction
How to integrate it into your current service line
Pest tech strategy vs. blow-and-go strategy
Things to avoid when it comes to mosquito services
The future of mosquito control products
Resources mentioned:
PCO Bookkeepers & M&A Specialists/William Blair Pest Index, which recently added a Mosquito Index
New mosquito trap product: Inzecto
Notable: "This is pest control on steroids from a profitability perspective." —Dan Gordon
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