Topic: How to 10X Your Pest Control Company
Guest: Dan Gordon & Donnie Shelton

In this episode we discuss:
What does "10X" mean and where did the idea come from?
How 2X may be more difficult than 10X
How you already have 10X-ed your business from where you started
Why the process is as important as the goal of 10X
How Donnie uses the 10X concept to think about revenue, profit, time and, ultimately, his freedom
Why owners must know their value and role in the organization
The importance of having and sticking with an operating system
Why "who" is the most important part of executing your vision as an entrepreneur
The three things Donnie says are most important for the leader to focus on: people, culture and numbers
Why you need a deadline for 10X
Donnie's 10X goal for Triangle and how it has helped him clarify his vision and make decisions
Resources mentioned:
PMP Industry Insiders Podcast Episode 106 with Verne Harnish
Triangle Home Services' core values
Operating systems: EOS, E-Myth, Measuring What Matters/OKRs, Scaling Up/Rockefeller Habits
BHAG, or big hairy audacious goal
Notable: "There are no unreasonable goals, only unreasonable deadlines." —Donnie Shelton
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