Topic: Combating the Ever-Rising Cost of Digital Marketing
Guest: Frank Andolina, COO, Coalmarch

In this episode we discuss:
What Frank says are the biggest causes for an "all-out assault on ROI" in digital marketing
The Google "Vicinity update" of December 2021 and how it has reduced the radius for visibility
How renting real estate plays a role in "playing the game"
Why Donnie is a "born-again branding guy" and how company size and growth goals play a role
How Google's change to "close variants" are affecting ads
Mobile vs. desktop searches for home services
How there's still a need for SEO to offset paid digital advertising
Why Frank recommends investing in the "top of the funnel"
Is there a booking feature similar to OpenTable for home services?
Resources mentioned:
PMP Industry Insiders Episode 91 with Coalmarch's Katie McCaskill and Alanna Young
Coalmarch download with Frank's recommendations: "What are the major causes for rising costs and results becoming increasingly difficult?"
Notable: "People still seem to be more likely to commit or become a lead when they don't think they're being sold to." —Frank Andolina
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