Topic: Analyst Tim Mulrooney Is Back for Our 100th Episode!
Guest: Tim Mulrooney, William Blair

In this episode we discuss:
What's going on with inflation, interest rates, the stock market and economy overall
Whether a recession is impending and how Tim believes it will play out
Will employment declines occur sometime soon?
The definition of recession
Dan's take on the pest management industry's confidence right now
Whether the industry is recession-proof or recession-resistant
Tim's analysis of the data from the 2008-2009 recession
Whether price increases over the last year will hold
Will there will be a catalyst for growth like bed bugs were in 2008-2009?
Tim's take on M&A valuations right now and what's driving them
Dan's and Tim's take on whether private equity is here to stay
What could happen with strictly door-to-door pest control companies
Tim's thoughts on the status of the Rentokil/Terminix deal
Resources mentioned:
PMP Industry Insiders Podcast Episode 2 with Tim Mulrooney: Impressions of an Investment Analyst
On Oct. 12, Rentokil Initial rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange in celebration of its acquisition of Terminix.
PMP Industry Insiders Podcast Episode 74 with Rentokil's John Myers
Notable: "I know I say this every year, but there is more interest at this PestWorld coming from financial sponsors than I've ever seen before. You've always had the big five strategics plus Arrow, Massey and others, but now you have 10, 20, 30 private equity companies that ... over the last 12-18 months are actually executing and doing deals." —Tim Mulrooney
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